Personal website of NYC composer and saxophonist Javier Arau, the author of several works of jazz pedagogy and music theory, including Augmented Scale Theory. Free music lessons, jazz classes, and more.
Turns out a video I made a while back, "The Lick In All 12 Keys," has a following. The video itself was meant to be a fun inside joke on a melodic line that seems to have a life of its own, but this poses an opportunity for everyone interested. So, let's have even more fun with this, as I introduce an infographic, complete with video lesson and PDF download, called...
Sax Jazz Licks Pdf Download
Ever wished your jazz performance students had a firm grasp of jazz theory concepts? Or better yet, ever wished you had the time to teach theory concepts sequentially? Essentials of Jazz Theory is a most welcomed publication designed for the classroom setting in an enjoyable format. With extensive ear training coordinated with the theory, it encourages one to play and/or sing the examples right from the beginning. Each book has 40 pages in a six-unit format. Each unit consists of four or five pages of instructional material with ear training and review pages. These three books are also available in a single volume of 120 pages. I particularly like how the CD enhances ear training by offering the opportunity to test listening skills with music examples played by a variety of instruments. Teachers will appreciate that there is even a separate publication with the answers for the exercises from the lessons and review pages. The glossary and index of terms and symbols is unusual in that it links specific pages in the book where those concepts/terms are taught as a quick reference for instruction. 2ff7e9595c