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My Father Is Hero Movie 33: The Ultimate Action Thriller of the Year

Writer's picture: stubaplauticlinglestubaplauticlingle

We did a memorial for those who died on 9/11 at school today, we had a specific person and we would read their story aloud in class then light a candle for them. Scott Davidson was my hero to read aloud. I am very thankfull for your sacrifice that day.

My Father Is Hero Movie 33

Scott you are a true hero to your nation, you will never be forgotten and I will talk about you to my son and him to his son and we will remember with pride that our firemen and police faced down evil and showed the world that americans never quit, never give up and you will be immortalized in our memory forever!

I completed a 9/11 Memorial Climb(2019 Green Bay, WI), and I was honored to wear a badge with Scotts picture and name on it. Practically every flight I climbed I looked at his picture thinking what a true hero this man was. My Father was a volunteer firemen for 11 years. I never really thought much when I was a kid of what my dad went through when he left the house to run on a call. Pretty much thought that he would be back home soon. My heart goes out to his two children. Thanking your dad for the true sacrifice that he made that day. Kim N

Scott, thank you for your service. You were such an incredible human being, and not a day goes by without people thinking about you. You would be so proud of your children down here. Both Pete and Casey have made names for themselves in their own respective ways! You died a hero, but you live on in the hearts of many. Thank you again, Scott Matthew Davidson. God bless you and your family.

I did not know you nor your family but I lost my father shortly after 9/11 in operation Iraqi Freedom and your son has helped me with a lot of depression through his comedy. Thank You for your sacrifice and thank you for giving this world such a wonderful son who spreads laughter and joy. He truly is a remarkable person and im sure you would be proud of him.

Thank you Scott Davidson for your service to the state of New York and our country. I hope to someday visit the 9/11 Memorial and find your name amongst the many, many heroes lost that day and in the years that have followed.

I just watched the King of Staten Island. Scott was memorialized at the end, which caused me to google Scott. I was able to see the parallels in the movie. This time of the year, my thoughts are on Sept 11, the loss our country experienced that day, and the families of those lost. Thank you Scott Davidson for your service. Thank you, Peter for honoring your father at the end of the movie.

today is the 19th anniversary of the death of Scott Davidson a true blue blood American hero who gave his all for his brothers. There is no greater act of love than to lay down your life for your brother. John 15:13. God bless Scott Davidson

To Scott, and to all of the brave men and women of all the firehouse companies, police districts, and the unsung heroes within the WTC from September 11th, you are all heroes and we are grateful for your acts to save those of us here today. You are inspiring people who will never be forgotten, and are what make this country motivated to fight back and be strong.

You will always be remembered! Thank you for your services, and your sacrifice! You are a true hero! We love your son, Pete, one of our favorite on SNL! You sound like a wonderful person, a great father, son, and a true Patriot! May you Rest in Peace! God Bless! ?

Just watched The King of Staten Island and dedicated in your honor. Great movie and your son did a great job! Thank you for your service and sacrifice on September 11, 2001. We will continue to pray for peace as your children, family and friends continue to heal and grieve.

Just watched the King of Staten Island. Pete is very talented. I have been a fireman for 25 years and knew many of the FDNY guys who perished on 9/11. Firefighter Davidson is a hero, not just for his actions on 9/11, which he inevitably knew he would die, but for the many times he put other lives before his.

This past weekend I did the 2,071 stair climb in Glendale, Arizona in honor of this hero. I have 36 years in the fire service and seeing each photo throughout the event was most sad. RIP to all the heroes.

Wow, 20 years since this horrible tragedy happened..I remember this day like it happened yesterday (I was 15) thank you so much for your patriotism, bravery, many lives were saved on this worst day on American soil..God bless all first responders and there families..we all will always remember the sacrifices made that awful day..will always remember..and to the families that lost a loved one that day..America will always feel your pain for all you lost that day( mothers, fathers, brothers sisters etc) always in my prayers

Firefighter Davidson, you are the King of Staten Island.. thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sacrifice. Pete, I am a retired firefighter from Toronto and my daughter struggles with BPD. I can appreciate your pain and would love for you to touch base any time you feel the need to chat, I would be honoured to do so. Please know your father would be the proudest man alive with all you have accomplished.

A complicated aspect of fatherhood is often the people we think of as our "fathers" are not actually our biological predecessors. Such is the case in this Hugh Grant film based on a Nick Hornby novel. Grant plays Will, a bachelor who pretends to be a single father in order to meet women in a single parents group. It's there he meets Fiona (should-be Oscar winner Toni Collette) and her son Marcus (a pre-stardom Nicholas Hoult), and begins a sloppy but ultimately loving relationship with the pair. Fiona has severe depression, and so Marcus forces Will to stick around to help him. Will uses Marcus to help him woo another woman. All three fall in and out of friendship with one another, but ultimately they are the family that one another need.

As it turns out, outer space is full of fathers and their children with all kinds of messed-up relationships. Dads abandon their kids to float around with meteorites for years, and the kids are obviously MESSED UP about it. Thus is the case with Brad Pitt's Roy, who is known throughout the military for basically having no emotions or physical response to stress because he has repressed his relationship with his dad (Tommy Lee Jones) so much. My therapist would have a FIELD DAY. When Roy realizes his father, who went on a mission to find intelligent life and was believed dead, is perhaps alive, he decides to fling himself into space to discover why he left. Being on different planets is not a great way to establish that father/son bond unfortunately.

I went into The Beach Bum fully expecting to despise it. Matthew McConaughey dressed as hippie Guy Fieri running around Florida smoking weed with Snoop Dogg just didn't get me excited at all. But the beauty of this stoner flick is the relationship McConaughey's Moondog shares with his daughter Heather (Stefania LaVie Owen). The film begins with Moondog arriving late to Heather's wedding, and shortly thereafter the pair must navigate the death of Heather's mom. Moondog is obviously not your stereotypical parent, and yet the way that he manages to express his love for Heather anyway and her ability to accept his eccentric affection is oddly moving. This weird little film has heart thanks to this weird little father/daughter pairing.

If there's one thing that will complicate just about any relationship, it is crystal meth. The insidiously addictive drug can easily wreak havoc on even the most stable relationships, as is evident in the lives of David and Nic Sheff, the father and son behind the memoir and film Beautiful Boy. In the film, David (Steve Carell) struggles to understand how to be the best father he can be for his son Nic (Timothée Chalamet), who is an addict without putting the rest of his family in the crosshairs. Through NA meetings, rehab, and countless rebounds and relapses, David proves that he will do whatever it takes to help his son find healing, even if the road is long and often full of pain.

It's a real curve ball when your father comes out of the closet at the age of 75, and despite what the girls on The White Lotus may have to say, embracing your father's newly expressed sexuality can take some time. Christopher Plummer, in an Academy Award-winning turn, plays Hal, who coming out after the death of his wife begins a whole new life only to find out he's dying of cancer. Oliver (Ewan McGregor), his son, then must not only process his father's new life choices, including a relationship with a much younger man, but also care for him in his final days. The film questions how well any of us truly know our parents, and also asks how we would react if we were suddenly given a fuller picture of their lives.

Lots of people have complicated relationships with their fathers. Few, however, have fathers who attempt to gift them into slavery to Mike Pence in order to avoid execution...which is what happens to Tutar (Maria Bakalova who was Oscar-nominated for the role) who stows away on her father Borat's (Sacha Baron Cohen) trip to America, only to find out she must now be the sacrifice to save his life. But as the two make the long cross-country trek to find good ole Mike (and ultimately the terrifyingly predatory Rudy Giuliani), they begin to bond despite the fact (GASP) that Tutar is a female and thus inferior. Like The Beach Bum, this comedy blindsides you with the emotional relationship at the center, and makes you take a second thought about selling your children into slavery to Republicans.

As a gay boy who grew up in an extremely religious community, I can tell you firsthand that the gay son/conservative religious father dynamic is fraught and thorny. That dynamic is portrayed perfectly in this film based on Garrard Conley's memoir about being sent to conversion therapy. Russell Crowe plays an Arkansas minister who decides to send his son Jared (Lucas Hedges) off to camp in order to cleanse him of his homosexuality. And of course the ending that we're looking for is one where Crowe's character sees the error of his ways and totally embraces his son, but devastatingly, in real life and in this film, that is often not the case. Instead we see what it looks like to build some kind of new relationship where you don't see eye to eye but find some kind of working civility nonetheless. 2ff7e9595c


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