The Quick Scope Series can be used by anyone to easily perform manual work piece observation or automatic measurement of single or multiple items. The image measurement software, QSPAK, offers intuitive operability and advanced functionality that can solve your measurement challenges. Used with the optional FORMPAK-QV application software, the Quick Scope Series can also perform form analysis.
The Mitutoyo Quick Scope Manual Vision System can be used by anyone to easily perform manual work piece observation or automatic measurement of single or multiple items. The image measurement software, QSPAK, offers intuitive operability and advanced functionality that can solve your measurement challenges. Used with the optional FORMPAK-QV application software, the Quick Scope series can also perform form analysis.
Mitutoyo Formpak Manual
CV2100: Instrumento de medición de perfiles con columna de accionamiento manual que combina una buena precisión con el mejor nivel de precios sin perder las funcionalidades de los perfilómetros más potentes. 2ff7e9595c